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WINNING, Incorporated | Boston, Massachusetts

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Ever ask yourself this question: Why aren't I earning more?"

There is truth to the old adage "the rich keep getting richer." If a CEO of a large corporation loses her job, making $1.3 million per year, more than likely she will find a position of equal or greater value. This is because wealth is a mindset. If a customer service representative were to lose his job at that same corporation, making somewhere in the $30,000 range, chances are she will probably find a position in the $30,000 - $35,000 range. You are earning - right now - exactly what you believe you're worth; and not a penny more or less. What would you ask from your next employer?

The Five Levels of Conceptual Growth for Sales People  

1. I need enough money to pay my bills, I need a job.
2. I want a good job in an industry that I like and shows I'm successful.
3. I want to make more money and achieve an above average income, I deserve more.
4. I'm good at selling. What is the best company/industry/opportunity I CHOOSE to apply my skills toward?
5. I see the only limit on income is me, how good can I be?

Each level should breed a desire for more success. The final level is the concept of sales superstars. Even after becoming successful they still strive for strategies and tactics to achieve even more. Which level are you at?


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